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User accounts within a customer can have one of the following Roles, which determines the actions they can perform on and via the API.

Role Reseller Manager User
Identifier reseller manager user
Manage customer within your realm ✅ - -
Manage users within customers within your realm ✅ - -
See consumption of customers within your realm ✅ - -
User management within your customer ✅ ✅ -
Track consumption of your customer ✅ ✅ -
Create API Keys - ✅ -
Create Workflows - ✅ -
Trigger trainings and see metrics - ✅ -
Annotate training data - ✅ ✅
Process documents with workflows and see results - ✅
Processing usage & quotas
Basic processing usage

When user lists are retrieved via API, additional roles may appear, these are of technical nature and are typically not relevant to human user accounts.